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Alaskan Malamute Standard Illustrato


Correct appearance of a dog (side-drawn)

Correct appearance of a dog (face)

Graceful light movements

Male type of Alaskan Malamute

Female type of Alaskan Malamute

Skeleton of Malamute, the correct body and articulations

Correct body proportions (height / length = 9 / 10)

The correct head and ears, correct eyes

Correct head with ears alerted

Too round and protruding eyes

Too small and squinted eyes

Incorrect ears

Incorrect ears and doomed skull

Correct head and muzzle

Incorrect head, stop, muzzle and flews

Too small stop

Incorrect muzzle and underjaw

Correct neck, top-line and body

Roached top-line

Sagging top-line and long loin

Correct front and legs

Incorrect elbows and front

Incorrect elbows and front

Correct forelegs

Incorrect pasterns and feet

Incorrect pasterns

Correct feet

Correct paws

Incorrect paws

Incorrect paws

Correct rear stances

Incorrect rear stances

Incorrect rear (too straight)

Incorrect rear (overangulated)

Incorrect hocks

Correct tail-set

Too short tail

Incorrect tail

Incorrect tail

Correct movements

Correct movements

Correct movements



1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

There are a few disagreeable points on this interpreation of the standard while very important points such as shoulder layback, balance in the angulation and lenght of neck are totally absent.

Any interpretation which is not adequaltely commented may lead to diversion from the standard.

Bear-Pak Malamutes

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